Preventative Maintenance
All Physical Plant department supervisors ensure that regularly scheduled maintenance is performed. This includes inspections of fire safety alarms, safety devices, pressure checks, media filter exchanges, heating and cooling preservation, routine painting, maintenance, and testing to ensure the safety of equipment operation.
Corrective Maintenance
Corrective Maintenance is any non-scheduled maintenance that is requested through the Physical Plant Work Order Center such as window replacement, replacement of doors, repair and assembly of furniture, broken blinds, leaking faucets, broken floor tiles, clogged sinks, etc.
The Physical Plant services are performed and funded by the Physical Plant. Non-chargeable services include any request that is directly related to the normal operation and maintenance of the building structures such as normal wear and tear, regular maintenance, regular custodial, common areas, etc.
Critical & Non-Critical Work Requests
A computerized work order system is used for critical and non-critical work orders as well as preventative maintenance work orders. Work orders are initiated by faculty or staff by submitting a request through SchoolDude’s Maintenance Direct. A work order is then created with all the appropriate information and distributed to the appropriate maintenance supervisors. Please give as much detailed information as possible to ensure services are appropriately carried out. Physical Plant employees are only allowed to perform work listed on the work order assigned to them.
Jeff Smith | Supervisor | (205) 665-6152 |
Eugene Cost | Assistant Supervisor |
Electrical & Plumbing
Steve Lucas | Supervisor, Plumbing | (205) 665-6175 |
David Brown | Supervisor, Electrical Shop | (205) 665-6174 |
Auto Services / Event Setup / Surplus
Tim Nash | AD & Supervisor | (205) 665-6160 |
Bryan Akins | Supervisor | (205)665-6170 |
Bryce Northen | Supervisor | (205) 665-6167 |
Rusty Dulaney | Assistant Supervisor | (205) 665-6167 |
Paint / Capital Projects
Chris Stiver | Supervisor | (205) 665-6151 |